- tag field
- 1) Математика: поле вариантной записи2) Вычислительная техника: поле признака3) Сетевые технологии: дескриптор вариантов, поле для меток, поле метки
Универсальный англо-русский словарь. Академик.ру. 2011.
Универсальный англо-русский словарь. Академик.ру. 2011.
Tag Rugby — Tag Rugby, also known as rippa rugby, flag rugby league or flag rugby, is a non contact team game in which each player wears a belt that has two velcro tags attached to it, or shorts with velcro patches. The mode of play is based on rugby league… … Wikipedia
Tag (game) — Children playing a version of tag Players 2 or more Age range 3+ Setup time 1 minute or less Playing time … Wikipedia
Field, John — Field, John, John, einer von den wenigen großen Virtuosen und Componisten Englands, und wie Müller von ihm sagt: »ein singuläres Genie, bis gegen den Anstand ungenirt.« Geboren 1780 verdankte er seine musikalische Ausbildung Clementi, unter… … Damen Conversations Lexikon
Field Museum of Natural History — Das Field Museum of Natural History von Norden aus gesehen Daten Ort Chicago, USA … Deutsch Wikipedia
Field lacrosse — This article is about men s field lacrosse. For women s field lacrosse, see Women s lacrosse . Field lacrosse A lacrosse player advancing, pursued by an opponent Highest governing body Federation of International Lacrosse First played … Wikipedia
Field Commander — Infobox VG title = Field Commander developer = Sony Online Entertainment publisher = Sony Online Entertainment engine = released = vgrelease|NA=May 23, 2006|AUS=July 22, 2006|EU=July 28, 2006 genre = Turn based tactics modes = Single player,… … Wikipedia
field — 01. The children ran across the grassy [field], laughing and shouting. 02. She has a Master s degree in a special [field] of biochemistry. 03. The quarterback was injured on the play, and had to be helped from the [field]. 04. He is an excellent… … Grammatical examples in English
field number — one of a series of sequential numbers given to a specimen or collection in the field that links it with documentation. Catalogue numbers can only be assigned in the museum as other collections may be being made simultaneously. The field number is … Dictionary of ichthyology
field tag — a label attached to specimens or in a collection jar or bag, marked with a field number or even full collection data (as opposed to a museum label with subsequent identification of specimens and formally worked out locality data) … Dictionary of ichthyology
Field — An ISO term. ISO Securities Message Types term. The smallest element, identified by a field tag or a name in a message text. (9735) A predefined set of normally functionally related data elements that are identified by their sequential… … International financial encyclopaedia
Field tag — An ISO term. A unique string of characters used in formatted messages which identifies the meaning and location of the associated data field … International financial encyclopaedia